ATEGO Enterprise is the new “gold standard” for online offsite backup. This managed service is targeted at medium and large enterprises that need a highly reliable and exceptionally secure means to back up structured (databases) and unstructured (files) data.

Data survivability and accessibility are underpinned by multi-redundant hardware, hosting copies of your data at two different data centers in Singapore.  If ATEGO Enterprise’s primary data center were to experience an outage, service would automatically shift to the secondary site, where customers could continue to back up and recover their data.

ATEGO Enterprise also takes service to the next level with daily monitoring of your backups. If a server fails to back up properly, we will alert you and help troubleshoot the problem. This frees your IT department of the daily hassle of monitoring the backup jobs.

Backup is only half the story.  Recovery of your data is the more important half that most other services never talk about.  Being located in located in Singapore, we have multiple options for how to recover your data and get it to you – high speed broadband, portable drive, side-by-side recovery are just a few.  We also maintain our own VM farm, so subscribers to our ATEGO Rapid Restore service can restore directly to standby or dedicated virtual machines.

You can start a free trial of ATEGO by simply contacting us today.

Key Features


With no agents to install on the server being backed up, you don’t have to worry about software conflicts, rebooting, patches, managing multiple agents, CPU utilization, and other issues associated with agents.

Incremental Backup

ATEGO only backs up the individual data blocks that have changed since the last backup was done for both files and databases. This means backups are faster, more bandwidth and storage efficient.

Strong Security

ATEGO uses a U.S. Government FIPS certified AES 128/256 cryptographic module. Only you hold the private encryption key. No one else can read your data when on the fly or at rest.

Integrated Platform

Backup servers, desktops, and laptops running on Windows, Linux, Novell, Macintosh, or AS/400.Centralize your protection of files and databases from multiple remote sites.

Enterprise Reliability

Our backup infrastructure use an N+1 architecture, and a storage infrastructure based on enterprise disks.  Your data will also be replicated to a second commercial datacentre in Singapore for added reliability.

Retention Rules

You have the ability to define your own set of retention rules for the backup data. You can keep multiple generations, and also define when to archive old data to cheaper storage.

How it Works

ATEGO Cloud Backup uses a unique architecture that allows your source servers and desktops to be backed up without installing any kind of software agent on them. Instead of a software agent, the solution uses a component called the ATEGO DS-Client. This is a free piece of software that we install on a virtual machine, server or workstation in your LAN, which in turn accesses the source servers and desktops to be backed up.

The advantage of this architecture is that the ATEGO DS-Client does all the work of calculating the changed blocks, de-duplicating the files, compressing and encrypting the data, and managing the backup schedule without stealing any CPU cycles from your production machines. The ATEGO DS-Client can also keep a local copy of your backup data, so when you want to restore lost data, it can be done at LAN speed.

Where does the data get sent?

The de-duplicated, compressed, and encrypted, changed blocks of data are sent to the ATEGO DS-System according to the schedule you choose. For example, for Senior Managers, you may turn on Continuous Data Protection (CDP) so their desktops are protected all day long. For your application servers, you may decide that once per day is best.

Your data is first sent to our ATEGO DS-System in our primary datacenter in Singapore, where it is stored on RAID5 disks. A second copy is then replicated to another DS-System at our secondary datacenter in Singapore. The two datacenters are in different parts of the island to satisfy the local best practice of having your DR site at least 5km away from your production site.

The ATEGO DS-System uses a true multi-tenant shared storage infrastructure so many customers will have their data backed up on the system. But, of course, one customer cannot see or read another customer’s data. Furthermore, all the backup data is encrypted using each customer’s private AES encryption key. Not even we can read your data. This is fundamentally different from some other services that encrypt the stored data with a single common encryption key.

If you would like to get deep into the technical of how it works, contact us right now. We love to brag about how efficient and secure our system is.

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